
Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH, Fröhliche-Mann-Str. 15, 98528 Suhl, Germany, E-mail: , Fax: +49 (0) 3681 4982 - 34, Tel.: +49 (0) 3681 4982 - 0– grants the following warranty for all Aesculap products:
- In their operating instructions.
- In their accompanying documents.
- On labelling on the product itself or on its packaging.
-  In advertising for this product.
to which reference is made in these warranty conditions.

1. The freedom of the product from material defects is guaranteed for the duration of the period according to clause 3.
2.  The warranty includes the end customer's claim to reimbursement of the purchase price or replacement of the purchased item or rectification of the purchased item – in each case at Aesculap's discretion – if a defect becomes apparent during the term of the warranty and
- The defect is not the responsibility of the end customer and/or
- The defect is not due to damaged caused during transport to the end customer and/or
- The defect is not attributable to damaged caused due to force majeure.
Any further claims, in particular claims for reimbursement of costs due to self-repair or claims for damages due to consequential harm caused by a defect, are not covered by the warranty.
3. The warranty period is generally two years and begins with the transfer of risk of the new product to the end customer of the brand-new product. If a shorter or longer warranty period is specified in the operating instructions and/or other accompanying documents and/or by means of labelling on the product itself or its packaging and/or in our advertising for this product, only this specification regarding the duration of the warranty period shall apply in each case.
4. A warranty claim shall not result in an extension of the warranty period and/or extension of the scope of the warranty. This also applies to material defects reported in good time within the warranty period or a material defect repaired within the warranty period.
5. The warranty applies worldwide, but exclusively according to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
6. The warranty rights apply only to the first end customer of the brand new product and are not transferable.
7. For the timely safeguarding of the rights arising from this warranty, it is sufficient but also necessary to assert the respective warranty claim clearly (as precise a description of the defect as possible and, if applicable, of the external circumstances in which the defect occurs) and in writing (letter, fax) or in text form (e-mail) vis-à-vis Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH (for the address and further contact details, see above), whereby the timely receipt of the claim letter/the claim e-mail by Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH is decisive. To make a claim against Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH for material or manufacturing defects occurring during the warranty period, please contact your immediate seller or inquire about other options at or by calling +49 8086 933-49 or by e-mail:
8 The following are not covered by the warranty:
- Damage caused or contributed to by improper use/storage/set-up/installation or damage.
- Damage caused by or associated with improper maintenance and/or untimely replacement of wear parts.
- Damage based on or involving third-party software or connected third-party devices or stored data.
- Damage caused by external influences, e.g. external damage, damaging weather conditions such as heavy rain, frost, lightning, excessive sunlight, etc.
- Wearing parts, such as bulbs, teats, seals, drive belts, valves and water-bearing components, shearing blades, brushes, batteries, accumulators, etc.
- Individually manufactured unique products
- Consumables, such as fuel, oils, filters, etc.
9. The warranty shall otherwise lapse in the event of:
- Use of non-original accessories or non-original spare parts from Aesculap Schermaschinen.
- Improper opening of the item or components of the item.
- Repairs or modifications that have not been carried out by Aesculap Schermaschinen itself or by a service partner authorised by Aesculap  Schermaschinen.
- Continued use of the item despite the failure to carry out recognisably necessary repairs.
- Non-observance of operating, maintenance, storage and transport instructions, as well as in the event of improper operation, maintenance, stress, cleaning, care or use, or in the event of problems attributable to the connection of third-party devices other than those described in the operating instructions.
- Wearing parts not being replaced in time.
10. Pursuant to Section 315 BGB (German Civil Code), Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH is entitled to decide at its own reasonable discretion whether a defect covered by the warranty shall be remedied or compensated for by repair, replacement of the product, full or partial refund of the purchase price or in any other appropriate manner.
11. In the event of justified warranty claims, Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH shall bear the costs of remedying the material defects as well as the transport costs from the end customer to Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH or a third party commissioned by Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH and back to the end customer.Costs incurred by Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH due to the obviously unjustified assertion of warranty claims, such as transport costs, insurance costs, packaging costs, etc., shall be reimbursed to Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH by the warranty claimant together with a processing fee of € 50.00 per processing case.
12. The risk of loss or accidental destruction of the product during transport from the end customer to Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH or the third party commissioned by Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH shall be borne by the shipper/end customer. The risk of loss or accidental destruction of the product during transport from Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH or from the third party commissioned by Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH to the end customer shall be borne by Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH.

13. Insofar as deviating conditions are mentioned in individual cases in operating instructions or in accompanying documents for a product or on the product itself or its packaging or in our advertising for a product, these deviating warranty conditions shall in principle take precedence over the regulations set out there.

14. This warranty does not restrict the purchaser's statutory warranty rights pursuant to Sections 437 et seq. BGB or, insofar as foreign law is applicable, the relevant warranty provisions of the respective country.
Suhl, 1 January 2021

Warranty details for merchandise are based on the respective warranty conditions of the manufacturer. These can be obtained from Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH.